Module 3: XR Teaching Scenarios - Workshop
Eleni Mangina

Module 3: XR Teaching Scenarios - Workshop

In this module, you will be familiarised with creating Lesson Plans and how to enhance them with storytelling for XR educational resources.

Module 4: XR for Schools
Eummena Learn Guru

Module 4: XR for Schools

Students will learn about how to use XR technologies in Science teaching, through the utilisation of existing application that
combines storytelling, scientific method and XR technology to represent scientific models.
By completing this module, students will achieve learning outcomes and learn skills such as:
● How to introduce XR for Schools’ Curriculum
● Experience real case scenarios of an application in practice with existing XR for Schools
● Establish creation of lesson plans and assessment process within XR education for Schools

Based on the Erasmus+ XRforPED project results, with the aim to "Promote Digital Higher Education by Introducing Immersive Learning into Educational Studies" we are delighted to share the outcome of the MODULE 4: XR for Schools 


Except where otherwise noted, the content of this module has been made by the XRforPed Erasmus+ consortium and is licensed under CC BY NC ND. Please see the project website for any additional attributions.

Module 2: XR Equipment
Eummena Learn Guru

Module 2: XR Equipment

Students will learn where to find software and hardware for educational purposes. 

By completing this module, students will achieve learning outcomes and learn skills such as:

  • Current hardware available 

  • Current software available

Based on the Erasmus+ XRforPED project results, with the aim to "Promote Digital Higher Education by Introducing Immersive Learning into Educational Studies" we are delighted to share the outcome of the MODULE 2: XR Equipment 


Except where otherwise noted, the content of this module has been made by the XRforPed Erasmus+ consortium and is licensed under CC BY NC ND. Please see the project website for any additional attributions.

Module 1: Introduction to the course and immersive learning
Eummena Learn Guru

Module 1: Introduction to the course and immersive learning

Based on the Erasmus+ XRforPED project results, with the aim to "Promote Digital Higher Education by Introducing Immersive Learning into Educational Studies" we are delighted to share the outcome of the MODULE 1: Introduction to the course and immersive learning. 


Except where otherwise noted, the content of this module has been made by the XRforPed Erasmus+ consortium and is licensed under CC BY NC ND. Please see the project website for any additional attributions.